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  • Temporada: 2024 /2025

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Kungfu dates back more than 2000 years. A place of splendour and important diffusion was the famous Shaolin temple (China), where the oldest and most effective forms of self-defence were developed. In Shaolin, the monks not only practiced kungfu as a way of self-defence, but also to improve their health. Since those early days, these systems have spread throughout the world through hundreds of kungfu styles.

Choy Li Fut is one of the most popular systems in Southern China that we teach at this school. This style of kungfu combines the hand techniques of Southern Chinese styles with the kicking techniques of Northern styles. It is one of the most complete styles with two-person training forms, weapons, animal techniques, dislocation methods and trainings with wooden dummies (Ching Jong). Additionally, Choy Li Fut is also known for its holistic approach to improving health and reducing stress.

But Choy Li Fut kungfu is not just about learning how to defend yourself and fight or getting in incredible shape, it seeks to improve the whole person, in every way possible. Traditional martial arts are a way of life, a code of conduct that guides one to lead a healthy life, based on principles and values.



As a sport: It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that develops muscle strength, flexibility, coordination, endurance, and mental concentration to increase security and confidence.

As a martial art: It is an effective and direct kung-fu system in combat. With circular and explosive movements, which combines techniques of kicks, fists, dislocations, and troughing (Chin Na).

And in addition, it develops mental aspects such as concentration, self-discipline, memory, the spirit of self-improvement and confidence.

The school that I promote collects the teachings of master Gaspar García, and I follow the linage of the grandmaster Doc Fai Wong, from whom I have received the title of Sifu of the sixth generation of the Choy Li Fut system.


Our program, in the first levels, is practical and direct, without getting lost in unnecessary forms. Once you reach a certain level you will learn Chinese weapons, animal techniques and more new techniques in combat. Our goal is that you reach security and strength in a short time.

More information about Kungfu Choy Li Fut in: The Choy LI Fut Kungfu of the Catalan Association (Spanish)